Locally led Adaptation

Who wants a cookie cutter approach? No one. Especially when it doesn’t work. But the ‘Mukuru Approach’? We like it.

With over 10 years in Community-based Planning for one of the largest slums in Nairobi, the outcomes were different. The Global Center for Adaptation shares their main principles:

  • Meaningful Engagement (of over 400,000 residents! with every latrine, water tap, and electricity pole mapped)

  • Genuine partnerships, at different levels (we must continue to widen the tent)

  • Integrated solutions

  • Out-of-the-box thinking on what planning and execution can look like in resource-constrained areas

Photo by Peter Muiruri on a new thoroughfare (once an ‘open sewer’ in Mukuru, Nairobi.)


The Solar Mamas


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