Our Approach

  • We utilize Health in Harmony’s Radical Listening model to establish the framework for community agency, leadership, and self-determination in a vision for the future.

  • We develop creative, culturally appropriate activities to engage women and youth.

  • We build bridges between indigenous communities, conservation organizations, and government entities across a region.

  • Depending on the main themes identified in the listening process, women and youth are engaged to collect data to better understand the environmental and social issues at hand.

  • Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) is shared, documented, and considered as a lead to any modern techniques.

  • We support indigenous-led visioning and strategic planning efforts in water + climate. In this stage, we also look for integrated partnerships in energy, regenerative agriculture, and WASH.

  • We provide small grants, technical assistance, and the capacity building necessary to implement Nature-based Solutions as outlined in the community’s vision.

  • This post-project step includes participatory monitoring and evaluation. It also includes green infrastructure maintenance training, and future climate adaptation strategies.